• PyGVL 2024 June

  • PyGVL May 2024

  • Copy of PyGVL Feb 2020

  • How to Sanely Test Complex Systems

  • I made a DSL

  • GraphQL: y tho

  • I made a DSL

  • Async Programming - GVL Tech Nov 2020

  • Schema-First APIs

  • Python Virtual Meetup

  • The State of Async Frameworks 2020

  • PyGVL Feb 2020

  • PyGVL Jan 2020

  • DMARC Lighting Talk

  • PyGVL Nov 2019

  • PyGVL Oct 2019

  • SPF

  • GVL Tech Talk September 2019

  • PyGVL Sept 2019

  • PyGVL August 2019

  • The State of Async Frameworks 2019

  • PyGVL June 2019

  • PyGVL May 2019

  • PyGVL Apr 2019

  • PyGVL Jan 2019

  • Rust: Borrowing

  • PyGVL Jan 2019

  • Copy of PYGVL October 2018

  • Rust: Borrowing

  • PYGVL October 2018

  • Estimates: why we're bad at them and how to get better

  • PYGVL September 2018

  • PYGVL August 2018

  • PYGVL July 2018

  • DRF - the CRUD is not enough

    A short intro into how api frameworks such as Django REST Framework let you do other more than just Create, Read, Update, and Delete. And how one might design these actions.

  • PyGVL June 2018

  • Vue.js - a biased intro

    A short intro into how Vue.js allows you to progressively adopt its features

  • PyGVL May 2018

  • deck

  • Python Meetup

  • Django 2.0

  • deck

  • Django Channels: What, Why, and How

    A short walk-thru the architecture of django-channels