1: 23.09., 2: 07.10., 4: 28.10., 04.11., 25.11., 09.12.
3: 18.10., 5: 01.11., 06.12., 13.12.
Which map elements are absolutely necessary?
What is nice to have?
Discuss with your neighbour!
these black lines printed on white paper are just recognisable:
"Der Kartenautor muss deshalb Elemente, die vom anvisierten Benutzerkreis sofort und deutlich erkannt werden müssen, in der Breite, aber auch in der farblichen Hervorhebung übertreiben, andere zur Entlastung des Gesamtbildes zurücktreten lassen oder ganz weglassen."
Skript Kartographie für Geographen von Charles Mäder (Geographica Bernensia U 22), S. 33.
Forlanini, M. (2013): How to infer ancient roads and itineraries from heterogeneous Hittite texts. Rivista di storia, ambienti e culture del Vicino Oriente Antico, 1–34. 8
Sirkeli, Sector D
Which elements must be recognised at first glance? (e.g. car cards)
What can fade into the background?
Sirkeli, Sector D
Which elements must be recognised at first glance? (e.g. car cards)
What can fade into the background?
Mäder, Charles (2000): Kartographie für Geographen. Geographica Bernensia U 22, Tafel 3. 13
Long legends and too many restless signatures discourage more than they inform!
Questions of generalisation must be clarified at the beginning of the work with the data length and best checked with card samples (printed out, not just on the display).
A good signature key depends on the user group!
Schweizerisches Stein-Denkmäler Inventar (Dolmen, Menhire etc)
Prähistorische Pfahlbauten um die Alpen (under construction)
Irsih Ogham Stones: http://ogham.link/ (wikidata)
Digital Atlas of the Roman Empire https://dh.gu.se/dare/
End product? Digital/analogue, scale, digital → use appropriate techniques for generalisation
Rost – Di Michele 2022
S. Rost – A. Di Michele, Systematic Versus Random Sampling in Approaches to Landscape Archaeology. The Umma Survey Project in Southern Mesopotamia, Journal of Field Archaeology 47,5, 2022, 285–304.
QGIS Tutorial: 1-2 Exercises