Sebastian Borkowski M.A.
Prof. Dr. Mirko Novák
Dr. Susanne Rutishauser
Dr. Eveline C. Zbinden
Prof. Dr. Andreas Zischg
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Examples of border irrigation systems. (a) Typical graded border irrigation system. (b) Typical level border irrigation system. (c) Typical contour levee or border irrigation system. Source: WALKER (2003) link
Two typical surface basin irrigation fields. Source: WALKER (2003)
Left: Measuring of a single furrow shape. Right: A field irrigated by furrows. Source: WALKER (2003) and HILL et al. (2008)
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Rost, S./Al-Hamdani, A. (2011): Traditional Dam Construction in Modern Iraq. A Possible Analogy for Ancient Mesopotamian Irrigation Practices, Iraq 73:, 201–220, Fig. 5.
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