Sebastian Borkowski M.A.
Prof. Dr. Mirko Novák
Dr. Susanne Rutishauser
Dr. Eveline C. Zbinden
Prof. Dr. Andreas Zischg
Ilias: short survey about your knowledge level and language skills
Questions about Ilias:
Reading list
Presentation and Handout
Seminar paper
The seminar will be accompanied by a voluntary Tutorium led by Andrea Kohli (
Andrea Kohli:
Archaeology: Susanne Rutishauser
Geography: Eveline C. Zbinden
Philology: Sebastian Borkowski
Vieweger, Dieter (2012): Archäologie der biblischen Welt. Gütersloh: Gütersloher Verlagshaus, Abb. 95.
Tall al-Ḥamīdīya, Syrien (2010, Rutishauser)
Vieweger, D. (2011): Das Geheimnis des Tells. Arachne, S. 23.
Tell Brak 2006 und 2010 (Susanne Rutishauser)
Google Earth
Google Earth
Google Earth
Abb. 1. Blick auf den Pyramus und die Umgebung von Misis (Langlois 1861: Pl. XXVIII)
Abb. 2. Ausschnitt aus der «Carte de L'Asie Mineure contenant les Itinéraires de P. de Tchihatchef, tracée par H. Kiepert (Tschihatscheff 1876: Map).
„After passing over the summit of Mount Taurus,which towards the east rises up to a vast height, Cilicia spreads itself out for a very great distance - a land rich in all valuable productions. It is bordered on its right by Isauria, which is equally fertile in vines and in many kinds of grain. The Calycadnus, a navigable river, flows through the middle of Isaurus.“
röm. Historiker Ammianus Marcellinus (um 330–395) hat als Soldat unter Constantinus II. und Julian gedient
„Wir fanden in diesen Gegenden Hormeniens solche Wälder, so frische Gewässer und so reine Luft, dass wir sehr lebhaft an Deutschland erinnert wurden“.
Wilbrand von Oldenburg (1211–1212), deutscher Geistlicher
Ralph Rosenbauer (2007)
Fotos: Ralph Rosenbauer (2012)
Plan des römischen Gutshofes von Brenz (Baden-Württemberg)
Dillingen a.d. Donau, Bayern Grabhügelfeld
Braasch, Otto (2005): Vom heiteren Himmel… Luftbildarchäologie. Esslingen, 23, 30, 31.
Woolley, Charles Leonard (1956): Digging up the past. An introduction to archaeology showing how excavation has grown from a treasure hunt to a science. [Repr.]. Harmondsworth: Penguin (Pelican Books, A4), 28f.
«At Wadi Halfa, in the northern Sudan, MacIver and I had dug a temple and part of the Egyptian town, but, search the desert as we might for two months, we had failed to find any trace of the cemetery which must have been attached to the place. One evening we climbed a little hill behind the house to watch the sunset over the Nile; we were grumbling at our ill luck when suddenly MacIver pointed to the plain at our feet; its whole surface was dotted with dark circles which, though we had tramped over it day after day, we had never seen. I ran down the hill and the circles vanished as I came close to them but, guided by MacIver from above, I made little piles of gravel here and there, one in the middle of each ring; and when we started digging there next morning our Arab workmen found under each pile the square, rock-cut shaft of a tomb.»
Magarsos: Ausschnitt aus den Ergebnissen der Geomagnetik (Rosenbauer/Sayar)
Rutishauser 2022, © The Trustees of the British Museum, Ninive, SW-Palast