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Sandbox for Building Slides

Stories of Overcoming I

Resilience Workshop

Empathic Dialogue Cafe'

Highly interactive, fostering deep connections

Consistent, nurturing a sense of belonging

Flexible, accommodating busy schedules


Empathic Dialogue Cafe'

Highly interactive, fostering deep connections

Consistent, nurturing a sense of belonging

Flexible, accommodating busy schedules


Empathic Dialogue Cafe'

Strengthen community

Cultivate community-building skills

Inspire small actions towards positive social change


Peace by 2030

Wicked Issues

Compassion for Busy People

Building community around three transformative programs:

Empathic Dialogue Cafe'

Written Reflection (2min)


Write a brief response to the following question.


1.For a 'Caring Mens Group': Which group value is important to you?

2.How does this value link to a pain in your life (past or present)?

Written Reflection


Write a brief response to the following question.


What internal or external support do you have

in dark or confusing moments?




Written Reflection


Write a brief response to the following question.


What internal or external support do you have

in dark or confusing moments?




Written Reflection


Write a brief response to the following question.


What internal or external support do you have

in dark or confusing moments?






Share briefly about yourself. (1min each)

Sharing Prompts: 

1.Your name, place

2.What is a fun fact about you?


Share in your small group about the following prompts.

Dialogue Prompts: 


1. Which of the Dialogue Agreements is important to you? And why?



2. Would you like to add an element to the agreements?






Check internally if you feel valued and respected in this group.

And if you do, Take Courage, risk vulnerability, and share openly

in order to co-create Deep Connections.



Reflection Prompt:



What touched you in these stories?



Written Reflection (2min)


1.What thoughts and emotions arose?

2.How do these experiences relate to your own encounters with curiosity?

Allow yourself a quite moment to reflect, write, doodle.

*Remember, there is no right or wrong answer.


Write a brief response.



We listened to Salvador's story:

What Story of Overcoming* does it remind you of in your own life?


*Note: No story is too small.


Write a brief response.

Reflection Prompt: 

We listened to Salvador's story:

What Story of Overcoming* does it remind you of in your own life?

*Note: No story is too small.


Draft your Story of Overcoming* through the lens of following questions.

(*Maybe focus on an aspect of your story that you could share in your small group.)

Writing Prompts: 


1.What was the Situation* when you overcame a difficulty?

2.What was the Process of overcoming?

3. What do you feel were the Learnings along the way?


(*Note: No story is too small. Maybe a moment when you overcame a fear or challenge.)

Small Group Dialogues

Share in your group about the following prompts.

Sharing Prompts: 


1.What touched you in Christiana's story?


2.Inspired by Christiana: Did you ever experience a personal struggle

that led you to a purposeful action / service?


Reflection Prompt:

What stays with you?

Group Sharing: 

1.Write a word in the chat

2.Share a thought about your word with the group*

(*Feel free to pass if this is not your moment;)